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Sustainable Social Responsibility ​

12-point Framework of Basic SSR Principles

At Solution Enablers LLP, we firmly believe that Social Responsibility, be it Corporate or Individual, is best achieved in a Sustainable manner if all stakeholders benefit from the same, in cash or kind.

The 12-point Framework of Basic Principles of SSR from Solution Enablers LLP summarize our viewpoint:

  1. SSR initiatives become sustainable when they are profitable in cash or kind to all the Partners and beneficiaries involved in designing, offering or consuming the initiatives.
  2. A sustainable SSR initiative must have clear measurable direct or indirect economic and social benefits in cash or kind.
  3. SSR initiatives must be aimed at helping people, communities and institutions to help themselves, and not just as charitable donations except for initial investments.
  4. Raising local, regional and global standards of living can address most of mankind’s current challenges.
  5. Any complex SSR problem is best solved in increments prioritized based on feasibility, timeliness and positive impact of the increment, rather than using a big-bang approach trying to solve the entire problem.
  6. A successful SSR initiative in one place is largely replicable globally with minor local adaptations.
  7. The direct beneficiaries of a SSR service need not be the payees for the same. Payees can be indirect beneficiaries in cash or kind.
  8. SSR initiatives must be inclusive in nature, involving the direct and indirect beneficiaries in design and implementation of the same.
  9. SSR initiatives should be designed such that they are locally relevant but universally replicable, with local customization as needed for maximum local acceptance and maximum utilization of local resources.
  10. SSR initiatives should result in local regional development, addressing local regional issues. SSR initiatives that lead to large-scale migration out of the region should be avoided.
  11. Technology should be used not only to deliver best-of-breed cost-effective solution alternatives but also to minimize the operations costs of SSR, thus maximizing the benefits to the beneficiaries.
  12. Every SSR initiative should aim at a curative and preventative approach based on root-cause analysis, rather than only a curative approach.